NFT deploy

How to deploy a NFT following the scaffold-eth github repository

One of the most popular GitHub repositories for Ethereum projects is scaffold-eth.

The quick tutorial about NFT helps us through the process.

To make the example compatible with 1DLT, you have to make two changes:

Configure the React application

Add 1DLT to the network list of the React application.

In the constant.js file, add the 1DLT network.

export const NETWORKS = {
        1DLT: {
        name: "1DLT",
        color: '#F60D09',
        chainId: 1DLT-CHAIN-ID,
        rpcUrl: `"1DLT-IP-ADDRESS"`,

Configure Hardhat

Add the private key of the account you want to use for the smart contract deployment.

In the hardhat.config.js add a new network with the private key.

  networks: {
      1DLT: {
        url: "1DLT-IP-ADDRESS", 
        accounts: ["YOUR PRIVATE KEY"],

Last updated