Ethereum API

This page serves as an Ethereum API documentation index and lists the available Ethereum JSON-RPC methods that Alchemy supports.

What is the Ethereum API?

The Ethereum API allows applications to connect to an Ethereum node that is part of the Ethereum blockchain. Developers can interact with on-chain data and send different types of transactions to the network by utilising the endpoints provided by the API. The API follows a JSON-RPC standard. JSON-RPC is a stateless, lightweight, remote procedure call (RPC) protocol that is commonly used when interacting with Ethereum.

Getting Blocks

To retrieve information from a particular block in the blockchain.

Reading Transactions

To retrieve information on the state data for addresses, regardless of whether it is a user or a smart contract.

Writing Transactions

Allows developers to both send ETH from one address to another, write data on-chain, and interact with smart contracts.

Account Information

Returns information regarding an address's stored on-chain data.

EVM/Smart Contract Execution

Allows developers to read data from the blockchain which includes executing smart contracts. However, no data is published to the Ethereum network.

Event Logs

Returns logs, which are records that provide context on specific events within a smart contract, like a token transfer or a change of ownership.

Chain Information

Returns information on the Ethereum network and internal settings.

Last updated